Monday, November 2nd - Friday, November 13th

Restaurants -  Sign Up Today!

Restaurant Week is a culinary celebration for our local eateries! Use these 11-days to wow new customers with your dishes and bring loyal friends back to the table again! It's a perfect time to try new dishes and combinations as you delight diners and give them delicious reasons to visit again!

> > To participate, scroll down page to complete the form! <<

To help you and customers, we're keeping it simple.

  • All participating restaurants agree to offer menu selections at either/both of these Restaurant Week fixed prices:
  • $15 for a two-course lunch
  • $25 or $35 for a three course dinner
  • Choose what you want to offer! It can be something that's already on your menu, or something special not typically offered.
  • The number of fixed priced selections offered during Restaurant Week is up to you, but you must offer one. We do ask that these selections stay constant throughout the event as your menu will be featured on our website. Should you need to make a change, please contact The MACC at 508.473.6700.
  • Restaurant Week pricing should apply to dine-in, take-out, curbside pickup or take and bake items. Please note any exclusions in the form below.
  • Remember to include dishes for those with allergies.
  • Yes! You may create special Restaurant Menus to share with diners when they visit and/or coupons for later visits.
  • Be certain to update your staff on the menus, pricing, and exclusions.

>> MACC Member Price to Participate: 

$75 plus a $25 gift card from your restaurant

>> Non-member Price to Participate:* 

$125 plus a $25 gift card from your restaurant

*To take advantage of all membership benefits apply for membership today! If you have any questions: Sherri Hannon  508-473-6700 or

How Your Gift Card Will Be Used:

To make it even more fun, diners will share their receipts with us for a chance to win a gift basket filled with gift cards from all participating restaurants! Each receipt equals one entry with the drawing to be take place on Saturday, October 24th. Fill in the form below with your contact information and menu options and we'll take care of the rest!

How We're Getting the Word Out:

  • Targeted ads on Google, Facebook, Instagram
  • Local newspaper ads
  • Dining websites
  • Posts on foodie social media pages
  • Press releases
  • Window Clings
  • Email blasts
  • Table tents provided
  • Signs & postcards distributed

Select Your Menu & Other Details

Restaurant Sign Up



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