Leadership Opportunity
Becoming a Chamber Ambassador

Become a Chamber Ambassador

Our Tri-County Regional Chamber Ambassadors is an exceptional group of business leaders who are the backbone of the Chamber’s volunteer force.

As an extension of the team, these committed individuals help the Chamber fulfill its mission of building a strong, vital business community by welcoming and mentoring our newest Chamber members.

They ensure member needs, questions and concerns are addressed, and tirelessly help new and existing members understand how to utilize the many benefits Chamber membership offers. At events, Ambassadors are often the ‘social butterflies’ of the room, creating connections between new guests and seasoned Chamber pros.

While being an Ambassador is hard work, it also comes with fun camaraderie and benefits like these:


  • Increased visibility within the community
  • An insider’s perspective of the local business community
  • Increased exposure and recognition for you and for your business
  • Expanded base of business contacts and clients
  • Enhanced credibility among peers
  • Opportunity to expand professional communication, presentation and marketing skills


Alycia Straughn

Alycia Straughn

In 2018 we added an Ambassador of the Year Award to be given to an outstanding volunteer who represented the Chamber so well the previous year. This is proudly presented at the Tri-County Regional Chamber’s Annual Meeting & Community Award each Spring.

Our 2019 Ambassador of the Year was Alycia Straughn of Homefield Credit Union.

A logo for local business first with a magnifying glass
A blue and green logo for printsmart office solutions
A logo for katz financial services retirement estate and insurance planning strategies
A sign that says looking to promote your business contact milford chamber
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