Being a business owner is hard work, a job that requires focus, dedication, and a willingness to advocate for your business.
You have a great website! But how will search engines and potential clients find it? You need do do search engine optimization or SEO!
There are three critical things you need to do for successful SEO:
In this article we are going to cover the inbound links!
Inbound links will help your business move forward, creating more traffic for your website and getting the attention of those who before this may have been unaware of your business. For some though, generating inbound links can be a daunting task but it doesn't have to be!
The truth is that while inbound linking can take some time, and you’ll certainly have to work at it, in the end it will be incredibly worth it when it comes to growing and expanding your business.
Below we share six of our best tips on creating inbound links to help your local business website:
Get involved in local groups and organizations that stand for something you’re passionate about. It could be anything. It doesn’t even necessarily have to relate to your business, as long as it’s something you care about. If you love animals, you can support your local animal shelter. Do you appreciate art? Then give to an art gallery. Love playing or watching soccer? Sponsor a town soccer team. Most groups or organizations love to support their sponsors by creating links to their business on their Facebook pages or websites.
Discounts are great; they help save some people a lot of money but can also benefit your business if you’re willing to offer them. Giving discounts to groups such as students or veterans can catch the attention of local alumni associations and websites that track discounts, who’ll in turn offer a link to your website.
Just as you wish to be supported, support other local businesses and they’ll be more likely to return the favor. Connecting with other business owners or leaders in your community can be beneficial for all involved. Such connections enable you to reach people you may not have otherwise. Promote their upcoming events, talk about them in your blog posts, write a testimonial, etcetera.
Being connected is key, and what better way to do that than to join your local Chamber of Commerce. When you join, you get the opportunity to meet owners of other businesses, some you may not have had the chance to meet otherwise. Getting to know and connect with other business owners who have a solid tie to the community means that you are able to in good conscience support their businesses, and in return, they can support yours.
People will usually only put links on their websites or blogs if they believe in the quality of the business. Getting accredited with the Better Business Bureau assures not only your customers, but also those in the position to support your business and link your website on their own. If they can be assured that your business is trustworthy and of high quality, they are more likely to want to openly support your business on their website.
Alignable is one of the most useful resources for anyone who is starting a small business. With over 5 million members, Alignable is a source where small business owners across America can form relationships and connections with each other. With this they are able to get the word out about each other's businesses and be able to have their connections bring in more business for them to grow and expand.
Having over 30,000 local communities on their site, it won't be hard for anyone to make connections with other business owners in the same area. Alignable is the perfect place to start advertising you and your business.
Please let us know if you need help improving your online presence.